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Liven Insights - Data Dictionary
Liven Insights - Data Dictionary

This article will give you a breakdown of terminology you may encounter in Liven Insights to provide context on what the data set refers to

Updated over 3 months ago

This data dictionary provides definitions for the fields used in Liven Insights' data models, which include B$ Summary and B$ Community. Each model is designed to offer insights into specific aspects of customer engagement and transaction history.

Data Models

  1. B$ Summary – Provides aggregate data on Brandollar transactions, purchases, redemptions, and customer activity.

  2. B$ Community – Focuses on individual customer interactions, including transaction history, user details, and lifetime metrics.

B$ Summary Data Model



Branch Group / Merchant

The name of the Branch Group or Merchant Group associated with the transaction.

Brandollar Branch Group ID

Unique identifier for the Branch Group related to the Brandollar transaction.

Brandollar Branch Group Name

Name of the Branch Group associated with the transaction.

Brandollar Branch ID

Unique identifier for the Branch involved in the transaction.

Brandollar Credit

Amount of Brandollar credits used in the transaction.

Brandollar First Redemption Time Date

Date of the first redemption of Brandollar credit.

Brandollar ID

Unique identifier for the Brandollar.

Brandollar Is Network Voucher

Indicates if the Brandollar transaction is tied to a network voucher.

Brandollar Is Reward

Indicates if the Brandollar is classified as a reward.

Brandollar Last Redemption Time Date

Date of the last redemption of Brandollar credit.

Brandollar Merchant ID

Unique identifier for the Merchant involved in the transaction.

Brandollar Merchant Name

Name of the Merchant associated with the Brandollar transaction.

Brandollar Price

Amount paid to acquire the Brandollar.

Brandollar Purchase ID

Unique transaction identifier for the Brandollar purchase.

Brandollar Purchase Time Date

Date and time of the Brandollar purchase.

Brandollar User ID

User ID associated with the Brandollar.

Market Place

Location of the marketplace where the transaction occurred.

Web Brandollar Purchase Ind

Indicates if the Brandollar was purchased via web checkout.

Cash Paid (AUD)

Cash amount paid to buy the Brandollar package.

Credit Purchased (AUD)

Credit amount included in the purchased Brandollar package (e.g., $10 cash for $20 credit).

Credit Purchases

Count of Brandollar packages purchased.

Credit Redeemed (AUD)

Amount of purchased credit that has been redeemed.

Credit Redemptions

Number of redemptions made on a Brandollar package.


Total number of users involved with Brandollar transactions.

Moat Ecosystem

Difference between total Credit Purchased (AUD) and total Credit Redeemed (AUD).

B$ Community Data Model



Branch Group / Merchant

Name of the Branch Group or Merchant Group associated with the transaction.

Brandollar Redemption Time Date

Date and time of the most recent redemption of Brandollar credit.

Current Date

Date of data extraction.

Days Since Last Transaction

Number of days since the last Liven transaction.

Email Address

User’s email address associated with the account.

First Brandollar Purchase Date

Date of the user’s first Brandollar purchase.

First Name

User's first name.

Joined Date

Date the user first created a Liven account (distinct from app install date).

Last Name

User's last name.

Lifetime Brandollar Cash Paid

Total cash amount paid using Brandollar over the user's lifetime.

Lifetime Brandollar Credit Purchased

Total amount of Brandollar credit purchased over the user's lifetime.

Lifetime Brandollar Credit Redeemed

Total amount of Brandollar credit redeemed over the user's lifetime.

Lifetime Brandollar Purchases

Total count of Brandollar purchases over the user's lifetime.

Lifetime First Brandollar Purchase Date

Date of the user’s first Brandollar purchase.

Lifetime First Brandollar Redemption Date

Date of the first redemption of Brandollar credit.

Lifetime First Liven Transaction Date

Date of the user’s first transaction with Liven.

Lifetime Last Brandollar Purchase Date

Date of the user’s most recent Brandollar purchase.

Lifetime Last Brandollar Redemption Date

Date of the user’s last redemption of Brandollar credit.

Lifetime Last Liven Transaction Date

Date of the user’s last transaction with Liven.

Liven ID

Unique identifier for the user’s Liven account.

Brandollar Purchase Days Diff

Number of days between the user's first Brandollar purchase and the current date.

Brandollar Purchased Volume

Total volume (amount) of Brandollar credit purchased.

Brandollar Redeemed Volume

Total volume (amount) of Brandollar credit redeemed.

Total Brandollar Cash Paid

Total amount of cash paid using Brandollar.

Total Brandollar Purchases

Total number of Brandollar purchases made.

Total Brandollar Redeemed

Total count of Brandollar redemptions.

Total Liven ID

Total count of unique Liven users.

This dictionary defines the data fields available within Liven Insights, designed to provide merchants with a detailed understanding of customer loyalty and transaction behaviors.

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