Getting Liven

Want to get, download and use Liven? Liven is available (free) on Android & iOS! Here's how to get

Written by Liven Admin
Updated over a week ago

Getting Liven

The Liven Mobile Application is a Payment & Rewards Wallet for everyday people. It is available for free from the Apple App Store & Google Play Store.

Please note you will require at least version 9 of iOS to use Liven on your iPhone, or Android 5.0 devices for Android. A 3G or higher data connection is recommended.

Liven is where users access and interact with the Liven Network of Merchant and Charity Partners (read more).

Get Liven to:

  1. Discover restaurants and venues

  2. Earn LVN with every transaction

  3. Spend LVN instead of cash

  4. Donate LVN to charity

  5. Send LVN to friends

  6. Store LVN

Do I Need to Pay to Access Liven?


  • Downloading and using the app costs nothing

  • Paying your venue bills with Liven comes at no extra cost

  • Using LVN costs you nothing

  • Sending LVN costs you nothing

To see more about the Liven Mobile Payment & Rewards Wallet please see this Helpdesk Collection.

Do I need Internet Access to use Liven?

Yes, an internet connection is required to discover venues on Liven and pay them to earn LVN. 3G, 4G or any WiFi connection will work just fine.

Please know that Liven is a very low latency application, meaning that using the app should not result in any exorbitant charges, no high bandwidth or large downloads are required.

Need Support?

Chat to us below or in-app, or email 

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