Using Multiple Printers

How to use multiple printers for online ordering.

Liven avatar
Written by Liven
Updated over a week ago

Mesh printing can be defined as networking printing (KPI), but using multiple Order Up hardware instead of IP printers. This can be utilised as a way to get around some limitations with KPI (e.g. closed networks, public and private network incompatibility or printers with IP’s assigned via software).

The docket that currently prints will split the items correctly to be made per terminal but the $ total section will contain the whole order totals.

When using the SMS of the printer, the name the SMS will come from will be the Store name IN the printer NOT the location name from the console. This means if the split is food/drinks you can call the printer ‘drinks’ or ‘food’ and that's where it will come from (especially useful for managing multiple kitchen store setups).

Using this requires more routing paths to be created (2 per printer - 1 for orders, 1 for confirmations).

You will be able to utilise mesh printing by following these steps:

1. Navigate from your Dashboard in the back-end console and locate the Admin section which is found along the left hand column. At the bottom of this section will be the Network Printers button, click on this.


2. Create new printers in Network Printers for each group to assign, by pressing Add Printer, when using as part of OPM set the Printer IP to the Same. Note the group id showing under the name, this will be required when setting routing paths up.


Ensure that the Printer Type * is set to Print Group


Also remember to save your changes by clicking on either Save & Exit or Save & Continue


3. Now, leave Network Printers and go to Menu >> Menu Categories. When you reach this page, enter to the category you would like to assign to this new printer by pressing the Edit button (alternatively, you can set a product inside this category to another printer if you want as an exemption by clicking on Products). You can assign it to multiple printer groups also if required.


You will find a selection of printer options at the bottom of the category’s page once entered (Again you can choose multiple printers if you need to).


4. Remember again to save your changes by clicking on either Save & Exit or Save & Continue.


5. Next you need to create 2 new routing paths per printer. Get New Orders { Printer Name } Configuring this as compared to a normal printer you will notice that the store id is now formatted as X-Y where X is the store id and Y is the printer group ID, in the example below this route will receive an inbound request for store 1 wanting the items for printer 4, the route then passes the printer group to the store id and the new parameter of print_store_id is the store id.


6. Confirm Orders { Printer Name }. Configuring this as compared to a normal printer you will notice that the store id is now formatted as X-Y where X is the store id and Y is the printer group ID, in the example below this route will receive an inbound request for store 1 wanting to confirm the items for printer 5, the route then passes the printer group to the store id. Once the last piece of the order has been received it will confirm the whole order to the customer.


When creating these, you will need to ensure the original get new orders and confirm are NOT using a wildcard * for the store_id parameter inbound as this will cause a conflict with the new rules.

All printers pointing to the one store will also be able to adjust the prep times, but these are SHARED to all printers of that store.

7. Remember once again to save your changes by clicking on either Save & Exit or Save & Continue.


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